Seattle's coolest little garden center with perennials, shrubs, trees, containers or pottery for creating great gardens or planted containers

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DahliasPink Dahlia 

How many plants give you spectacular flowers from June until the first frost of fall and then come back to do it on an even grander scale next spring?  Ranging from dainty 2 or 3" blooms up to gigantic dinner plate size flowers, these plants bring lots of bright color to your yard for very little care or worry. 



We still have many varieties of planted peonies in large sized pots for lots of beautiful spring flowers.  These plants are easy to grow and require little care yet they reward you with gorgeous bouquets of beautiful and heavenly fragrant flowers for extended periods throughout the spring season.   Come in and check out these beauties.  Our robust vigorous tubers (the herbaceous type) in 12"  pots  retail for $39.99 each - a bargain for all the flowers you will get from these plants!  You can also find the new Itoh peony hybrids for a spectacular large and often fragrant flower.  Several varieties are still available.

   Varieties :                          Princess Margaret (above)

Francois Ortegat

                                                                   Georgiana Edulis SuperbaShaylor



Karl Rosenfield


Nick Shaylor

Nick Shaylor







                                        Sarah Bernhardt